First Group Ride

So yesterday was our first group bike ride.  I’m not sure how many people attended, but if I had to guess, I would think it was 20-30.  It’s an interesting dynamic, but much more fun than riding alone.  I’m still learning the ropes when it comes to cycling, so it’s nice to have others to watch.  After all, most of our behaviors are learned by watching others, not by direct teaching.  There are so many things that people just ‘know’ when it comes to cycling, but no one ever tells you when you’re starting out.

The 30+ miles were pretty easy, other than one giant hill that seemed to never end.   At least I wasn’t the only one huffing and puffing up it.  It was also nice to get some confidence that I could do 30 miles, since that’s the longest I’ve ever ridden.  Sounds like we’ll be ramping things up in about 10 mile increments over the next several weeks.  I think I’m ready…we’ll see!

Otherwise, training is going well.  I’m getting in most of my runs and swims with one or two exceptions throughout the week.  So far, so good!



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